Thursday, June 14, 2007

Introduction - Why This Blog

Because some kids are easily bored and when that happens they, well, make trouble usually. I started thinking about how I might help keep Ethan occupied. Then I started thinking about some summer schedules I'd followed. Lots of variety within a basic structure seemed to work the best.

Then I started thinking you all are creative, good moms (and dads) with lots of different backgrounds and ideas so I decided to create this blog and turn it over to you if you want it. I'm going to post a few ideas from my pre-school teacher days (yes I did that). Maybe you all can help each other come up with more and better.

I called it Monkey moms because all the other names I thought of were gone (moms helping moms, summer fun, toddler moms) . I wanted to get to the writing not spend all my time coming up with a name for the blog. For some reason Chris and his Monkey stuff came to mind so there you go. Monkey moms.

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