Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sample Daily Schedule

My mom told me kids like structure and she was right. And they like focus - but that's a different post. So here's a sample schedule with about 20 to 30 minutes for each activity.

Breakfast and cleanup
Take a walk
Play outside as individual
Group play outside
Activity/Craft/Field Trip/Library/or Play Group (this is 1-2 hours; find out when your library has the reading to kids day and go on that day. This along with a couple of good crafts or activities, one interesting field trip and a day with other toddler moms and friends can usually get you through the week)
Pick up/ clean up
Jr. Moms and Dads time (chores)
Inside play
Story time
Nap or quiet time (at least an hour. Everyone goes down. If they don't need a nap, they can read or play quietly alone. This is Mom's time!)
Wake up and cuddle
You're on your own
Evening activities - family home evening, pool nights, family film night etc.

1 comment:

Mendy said...

I am in totally agreement with Grandma Betty on this one! It's somewhat a joke in my ward that you can always find me at home between 1-3 p.m. Who goes anywhere at nap time?

I like the Jr. Mom and Dad time. What a cute name. I think I'll institute that this summer with Maia and Mason. Thanks for the good idea.